Spiritual Ambassador

Amadon DellErba was born and raised within the spiritual-intentional community Avalon EcoVillage as an outreach of Global Community Communications Alliance (GCCA) and the campus of The University of Ascension Science & The Physics of Rebellion. Since 1989, GCCA has worked to develop what is today's largest EcoVillage in North America, which is also a 501c3 spiritual educational organization teaching Fifth and Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation. Amadon is the son of spiritual leaders and co-founders of GCCA, Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase. (Read more about Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase on their websites.)

Amadon honors his spiritual heritage and upbringing through his dedication to the expansion and global impact of the sustainable lifestyle fostered at Avalon EcoVillage. He is an ambassador for the Mandate of The Bright and Morning Star held by his parents, Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase.  The Mandate of the Bright and Morning Star embodies fostering planetary-wide spiritual unity, individual destiny actualization, and the establishment of Divine New Order communities as the prototype for a global sustainable culture of the future through the dissemination of the teachings of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.

Amadon envisions a world without dogma, fundamentalism or division.  He believes true spirituality is neither rote nor confining, but is rather the very dynamic and transformative act of constant selfless service, commitment to truth, and courageous action. In today's world of degenerated morality, spirituality is often the act of standing up against the behavior and belief systems that result in the mistreatment of humanity and our planet.

The major tenet of Amadon’s spiritual beliefs is the importance of recognizing spiritual elders in our lives. This humble and empowering understanding of spirituality is a topic for many of his speaking engagements and is the driving force behind his lifelong occupation as Change Agent / Destiny Reservist / Human-Right Missionary.

Amadon DellErba on the Fusion of Spirituality and Science